Think and Grow Rich 

with PSTEC…is here !

Napoleon Hill’s book “Think And Grow Rich” 
has probably created more millionaires than
almost anything else before or since.
That means it works !
But…for this to work for you, YOU absolutely 
MUST get your subconscious to buy in. 
Think about it !!!
Have you spent your life
 thinking like a rich person, 
or like a poor person???
Be honest with yourself about that and consider 
where you are now.Thoughts, beliefs, emotions, persistence and ambitions are mostly 
controlled by your subconscious. 
To think and grow rich effectively you MUST get 
your subconscious working with you.
WOW !  Lets apply PSTEC to Think And Grow Rich” !
The plan is to create more wealth amongst the PSTEC's users .  Great idea isn’t it?
PSTEC gives you some of the most powerful ways ever created to change your own subconscious landscape by design…..So it makes sense that PSTEC can be used for wealth creation. And we want your input so we know exactly what you are looking for from this.
For this reason, Tim Phizackerley (PSTEC's Creator ) and Jeff Harding (Master Practitioner) will turn the power of PSTEC directly towards Think and Grow Rich and we will go through every chapter of the book and use PSTEC to make it happen.
We are going to use PSTEC to make our own lives more wealthy and YOU are invited to join us.
We will step through specific PSTEC positive statements, specific ways to use the click tracks, learn how to leverage the subconscious easily.

 Tim will explain how to use PSTEC to permanently end procrastination, how to avoid subconscious self-sabotage etc… And you’ll see how we tie all of this in with the classic book.  

We’ll also throw in some very important hypnotic stuff too. And more than that we’ll also be talking to experts in the field of wealth and success to get their perspectives to help you.

Here's an overview:

 Month 3: 
You get 2 versions of Hypno Persistence Tracks and Bob Doyle's amazing Interview
 Month 4: 
You get PSTEC'S Creativity Bombs Tracks

Months 5 & 6 coming soon...

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